A huge welcome back to the GreenSunsZenith! It’s been a fair while since I’ve taken the time to see how Maverick and other similar archetypes have been performing. Like the Maverick Monthly articles, this is going to be a run down on how Legacy Maverick archetypes are positioned in the current metagame, which versions have been performing the best, and which have fallen out of favour. I’m also going to be updating each primer over the coming weeks and refresh some of the evergreen content on the site.
I always want to give some insights into why players are currently choosing different builds and colour splashes to provide reasoning for other players looking to dive into GWx decks in Legacy this year. Let’s get right into it.
Table of Contents:
1. New Card Considerations
2. Current Trends in Maverick
3. Green-White Maverick
4. Abzan Maverick
5. Punishing Maverick
6. BANT Maverick
7. Yorion Maverick
8. Green-White Depths
9. Green-Black Depths
10. Abzan Loam
11. Conclusions
12. Previous Editions of Maverick Monthly
1. New Card Considerations:
Outland Liberator hasn’t had a huge impact on Legacy, but I do believe it’s a strict upgrade for those still running Qasali Pridemage. There’s only a few corner cases where Qasali is better, such as wanting to attack through a Plague Engineer (most likely on Human). I had this come up against Deadguy Ale where my Outland Liberator (1/1) wasn’t able to keep pressuring through an Engineer on board, but a Qasali could have.
Here’s a quick look at some pros and cons between Qasali Pridemage, Outland Liberator and Knight of Autumn;
- All creatures take 3 mana total to destroy an artifact or enchantment, but you need to have mana open to use Qasali or Liberator
- Knight of Autumn cannot be stopped with a Pithing Needle, and a Liberator can attack out of one
- Knight of Autumn is negated by Torpor Orb effects while the other two are not
- Qasali Pridemage is most of the time a 1 for 1 trade. Knight of Autumn is usually a 2 for 1 and Liberator has the ability to trade even further
- Against Omniscience decks, Knight of Autumn can stop your opponent from being able to cast a creature after putting in Omni with Show & Tell, but doesn’t stop a Cunning Wish line
- Qasali and Liberator cannot stop your opponent from casting a creature in the above scenario, but you could potentially stop a Cunning Wish line if you can force them to cast it (attack for lethal, try to remove Omni another way). A nice trick here is if you have an ETB effect creature like Endurance in hand and Outland already in play, you can respond to the ETB trigger and destroy the Omniscience, removing the chance for your opponent to cast a creature for free
- A small note on why you might be seeing Masked Vandal in 75’s: Being able to exile an artifact is relevant against Kaldra Compleat (indestructible) and also Painter decks (Goblin Welder, Goblin Engineer). However, having to exile a creature from your graveyard for its ability to work can be awkward, especially when you’re either up against an opponent who uses exile spells on your creatures or a card like Rest in Peace is in play.
Note: Once Outland Liberator has flipped, it triggers on attack, not damage. This is key against a matchup such as Lands, where the trigger cannot be stopped by Maze of Ith or Glacial Chasm
2. Current Trends in Maverick:
Mother of Runes
4 Mother of Runes has been really impressive lately, especially against UR Delver. She can trade with Ragavan if needed, and if left untouched, can make it very difficult for UR to deal with the threat they care most about. There was a fair amount of time where many Maverick players looked away from Mother due to cards like Plague Engineer, but since it’s been on a decline I’ve noticed Mother not only make her way back into the deck, but in full force. The rise in Gut Shot unfortunately means Delver has more outs, but I still would be running 3-4 Mother of Runes in Maverick right now.
Prismatic Ending has also given many decks more ways to deal with a T1 Mother, but I’m often happy with this as it’s one less Ending your opponent has for a Sylvan Library or Choke post-board.
Sylvan Library
Speaking of Library and Prismatic Ending, I have definitely become more aggressive with drawing cards due to UX midrange / control decks now having such a clean way to answer it. Gone are the days where I might filter my draws for the first few turns and then take an extra card here and there, Library may as well read ‘At the beginning of your draw step, you lose 8 life and draw 2 cards’.
Tip: Do be careful when stacking the top of your deck against Ragavan decks as you can hopefully always have a land on top to be exiled instead of a spell that could put you in a vulnerable position.
Collector Ouphe vs. Gaddock Teeg
This is going to be a discussion that will always come with new Legacy metagames. With the rise in 8-Cast and Death & Taxes online, I would say Collector Ouphe takes the maindeck slot where Teeg once was. You could run both, but I’ve been having most success with Ouphe in the maindeck and Gaddock Teeg in the sideboard. I do believe Teeg is still a strong piece of disruption against other notable decks such as Elves (Natural Order, Green Sun’s Zenith) and Urza Echo (Karn, the Great Creator, Echo of Eons, Chalice of the Void) and being a virtual 5-of once in the maindeck with Green Sun’s Zenith makes him very hard to cut from my 75.
In a Mother-heavy build, I also ran Teeg against UWx midrange and control decks as I felt turning off their copies of Prismatic Ending, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Force of Will and sideboard copies of Supreme Verdict or Engineered Explosives was more impactful than the downside of turning off future Green Sun’s Zenith’s and my own Endings. I don’t think this is viable any more, especially with Karakas and Dress Down being effect ways to not only deal with Teeg, but also troublesome creatures like Mother of Runes.
Spirit of the Labyrinth
Spirit is mostly known for play in Death & Taxes, but it’s been popping up in more sideboards and even maindecks as a 2-3 of. Spirit is very good at slowing down Doomsday, putting your cantrip cartel opponent in an awkward position and is generally a quick clock as a 3/1. There is a lack of synergy with Spirit and Sylvan Library, but this is most likely a case of if you have both in play, you’re opponent is probably locked out more than you are. It sadly doesn’t interact with Expressive Iteration, but I do like Spirit against URx Delver as well as a cheap, disruptive threat.
Overall I’ve seen a trend where players have been moving away from Hexdrinker since the printing of Modern Horizons 2 and more specifically, Prismatic Ending. Ending has given the other GWx midranges decks and UWx controls decks a very powerful way to deal with Hexdrinker even after its been ticked up to a 4/4.
I do believe if you’re patient enough and running a version of Maverick with 3-4 Mother of Runes and Gaea’s Cradle, Hexdrinker is still a strong threat that is very hard to deal with. One card to keep an eye out for those is Dress Down as it can really effect your ability to disrupt and protect through creatures.
Graveyard hate
Endurance, Leyline of the Void, Surgical Extraction or a mix of all? I recently updated the guide on Maverick’s best graveyard hate which should hopefully answer this question. Endurance has been a phenomenal printing for Legacy Maverick due to its flexibility and relevant to the Maverick game plan (disrupt and pressure). Currently I like the flexibility of Endurance and Surgical Extraction
Urza’s Saga
Saga has made its way into a few decks, but it does put restrictions on the other sections of your deck. Maverick traditionally has two packages:
- Green Sun’s Zenith to find relevant pieces of mana acceleration, disruption or pressure in the form of green creatures
- Knight of the Reliquary to find additional mana or disruptive lands like Wasteland and Karakas
What Saga does is create an additional package for its pilot, one that can find disruption (Pithing Needle, Soul-Guide Lantern) and also create pressure (Constructs, Shadowspear, Retrofitter Foundry). I do like the thought of Saga in a Maverick deck, as it does somewhat fit into the gameplan, but I would be weary. I can see a Saga build being best in a GW Maverick deck where your splash is essentially for Saga (a colourless splash).
Pro Tip: If you’re having trouble with Kaldra Compleat, make sure you re-read Shadowspear. You can use its ability to remove the indestructibility from Kaldra, then deal with it through normal artifact removal like Force of Vigor.
Is Urza’s Saga really worth it in a Depths deck (GW/GB)?
I’ve been grinding a fair amount of Depths recently both in the Green-White based deck and trying out a more grindy version of Green-Black Depths (compared to the more common Turbo builds).
In short, Saga is a luxury in GW where you already grind very well and most of the time, have better things to be doing that hold up mana to create the constructs.
I feel Pithing Needle and Shadowspear are fine as your targets, and if you feel you need graveyard hate, a Soul-Guide-Lantern in the board is fine.
In GB Depths, it’s your new plan B and with a dedicated section of the 60 dedicated to not artifacts (Mox Diamond, Pithing Needle and Saga targets), you’re going to be beating down with some fairly big tokens. It’s really changed the style of plan that I’m used to with the deck, where it’s more all-in on creating a Marit Lage.
The Grind is real
If I am brutally honest, Maverick is a shell of the midrange powerhouse it once was (think 2012 metagame with Maverick, RUG Delver, Stoneblade). Decks like BANT Control not only have great ways to grind and win the mid-late game, but the card quality they have access to is much higher than Maverick. Karador from the Maverick Discord said it best;
“Most non-combo matchups in Legacy right now feel to me like a complete grindfest, be it control, midrange, or “tempo.” With the exception of straight UR Delver, these decks are all trying to set up some sort of value engine to close out the end-game, whether it’s Yorion loops, Life from the Loam, Uro, Saga, chaining Ringleaders, etc. Maverick just doesn’t have that inevitability if we’re loading up on removal and trading resources.
We do a great job of pressuring resources in the early game, but if you can’t close relatively quickly, you’re done.” – Karador
If you are wanting to grind as best as you can, try out a Maverick build with either a Stoneforge Mystic or Urza’s Saga package, or have some inevitability with cards like Punishing Fire.
Rise in Green-White Depths
Looking at tournament finishes, there’s been a subtle rise in GW Depths and a lack of classic Maverick. The ability to play a midrange strategy with a backdoor win through Marit Lage is very appealing in the current metagame. I can’t blame any Maverick players for making the switch, I know I have for now and have been thoroughly enjoying my time as a Depths pilot.
The deck has a fair amount of ways to protect the combo, even with an increase in Karakas, Submerge, Wasteland and even some silver-bullet answers like Dead / Gone out of URx Delver. Hopefully in the near future we see a shake up to the format and Maverick back doing what it does best once the metagame has settled down and can be preferred for.
3. Green-White Maverick:
Let’s start from the basic build of Maverick, straight GW. The biggest pro for running GW Maverick is you typically get to run 4, even up to 5 basic lands. This allows you to have a manabase that isn’t going to be disrupted by Blood Moon, Back to Basics or Wasteland. I ran a few leagues recently with GW and really enjoyed having access to so many basics as it takes the worry of getting behind on mana.
Made a few small changes and came out with a more respectable 4-1
2-1 4C Hollow One
2-0 UB Shadow
2-1 Affinity
1-2 Mono R Stompy
2-1 Junk NicFitThere's something here, but missing a 3rd colour is a hugeee loss (PEng, PEnd, Blasts) pic.twitter.com/NoZMhWu5jS
— DougesOnTwitch
(@DougesOnTwitch) December 29, 2021
Running the full playset of Endurance was great. It’s a card I want against the;
- current combo decks (Reanimator, Oops and Doomsday)
- aggressive Delver decks (especially in a build with only 4 Swords to Plowshares as removal)
- midrange decks such as GW Depths, Lands and Death & Taxes
- and I don’t mind it as a threat against UWx control decks
The card I really missed was Prismatic Ending, in my opinion the best reason to be splashing a 3rd colour in Maverick. Having access to 4 Swords to Plowshares just isn’t enough, especially against UR Delver. Ending provides so much flexibility that it’s very hard to continue playing GW instead of Abzan with Plague Engineer or a Punishing build with Blast effects.
In the above build I actually really liked having access to the Urza’s Saga package. As I was only running GW, I decided on a colourless splash because I felt the mana was already in a good spot. The Shadowspear did a fair amount of work against UR Delver – my thought process was if I don’t have the additional removal for creatures, then the lifegain can negate their aggression and keep me in the game (especially when paired with a large Knight of the Reliquary).
Running Saga in a 3 colour build can make the manabase just a little awkward. You also need to make some difficult choices between your splash cards, saga targets and your Green Sun’s package.
I really wanted to run a version with Aven Mindcensor, a card that used to see a large amount of play in Legacy Maverick. Aven is always going to be great against fetchlands, but I felt it was well positioned right now against;
- Elves (Green Sun’s Zenith, Elvish Reclaimer, Natural Order)
- Lands (Crop Rotation) / Depths variants (Elvish Reclaimer, Knight of the Reliquary)
- Maverick (Green Sun’s Zenith, Stoneforge Mystic, Knight of the Reliquary)
- BANT Zenith (Green Sun’s Zenith)
- Doomsday (Well…Doomsday)
- Death & Taxes (Stoneforge Mystic, Recruiter of the Guard)
- Urza’s Saga decks
- Small rise in ANT, but worth noting ANT / TES (Infernal Tutor, Wishclaw Talisman)
- Reanimator (Doesn’t come up often, but on the play you can sometimes snipe an EOT Entomb by your opponent)
- It’s also worth noting it’s nice to have another flyer in the deck with Mother of Runes for UR Delver
If you’re wanting to run a Stoneforge Mystic version of GW Maverick, here’s a great starting point from ctuck999:
ctuck999 | 5-0 Legacy League | Decklist
4. Abzan Maverick:
Biggest Advantages of GWB Maverick
- Prismatic Ending. This card scales really nicely and can deal with anything from a Dragon’s Rage Channeler to an Ensnaring Bridge to an opposing Grist, the Hunger Tide.
- Plague Engineer. Great for opposing Maverick and tribal decks and gives the archetype an answer to go-wide strategies
- Grist, the Hunger Tide. I’ve seen non-B Maverick decks splash for Grist as a Green Sun’s target, but it’s nice to know in this version you can actually cast it if drawn
Abzan is by far my favourite colour combination for Maverick. Here’s where I would most likely start if I was wanting to play GWB Maverick right now
Magthrok | 5-0 Legacy League | Decklist
Dan Neeley, Maverick master, has also been finding some time to jam Abzan Maverick and took out a local tournament with his take (same list I am currently on).
Christmas Eve 5-0 with everyone's(my) favorite Legacy Deck. Beat UR Delver, 2 Mono Blue Artifacts, 2 RB Reanimator. Figured I would use a better photo than my MTGO cards
. Merry Christmas and have a safe holiday.
— Dan Neeley (@danneeley1) December 24, 2021
Abzan Maverick Coverage
Here’s a league I recently played with Abzan Maverick (find the decklist and match timestamps in the video description)
5. GWR (Punishing) Maverick:
StrasDaddy | 5-0 Legacy League | Decklist
Mark Strassman has been putting up some really solid results with his take on GWR Maverick feat. Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer. Mark’s run as of December 2020 was around a 60% win rate (153W-99L) which is pretty impressive. He’s had multiple 5-0’s and has been streaming & adjusting his list for a few months now. Ragavan is a really interesting threat and mana accelerant for Maverick and a card that most likely wasn’t considered by many players when first spoiled.
Being able to play Ragavan T1 then still be able to play out a Knight of T2 is pretty insane. Hitting a Brainstorm allows you to potentially through away cards that are irrelevant in a matchup (Swords to Plowshares vs TES, ANT or Doomsday) and exiling a combo piece could just win the game on the spot.
Although Ragavan is a very powerful card, I would say the biggest appeal for the red splash is for blast effects in the board and to a lesser extent, Punishing Fire. The blasts above are just your cleanest way to deal with threats like Uro and Ice-Fang (on the stack before they allow any sort of value) and cards like Dress Down & blue planeswalkers.
Mark’s also made some nice choices for board wipes in a copy of Fury, Fiery Justice and for decks like 8-Cast, Meltdown. He is also running a Stoneforge Mystic package with all targets having the ability to gain life. I think this is a really smart choice especially in a format currently dominated by Delver.
Here’s a nice clip Fiery Justice & Shadowspear working out well together for Strassman.
One thing you may note here is a lack of Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. This is pretty normal for Punishing Maverick as she can often be more of a burden on your own spells like Punishing Fire than she is on your opponent. This is most likely why Mark has also opted for both Collector Ouphe and Gaddock Teeg in the maindeck. These two often fight against one-another for the maindeck slot but without Thalia, having both gives you a little more game against combo decks in G1.
If you’re wanting to build Punishing Maverick but don’t want to purchase the Ragavans I hear you! Here’s a nice list to start off with;
Banana Maverick Coverage
Here’s a league I recently played with GWR Maverick (find the decklist and match timestamps in the video description).
Nathan Kainste | NRG Series Trial – Chicago | 38th Place | Decklist
Engineered Explosives isn’t something I’ve seen in Maverick boards for a long time but I can see how it can be a really impressive boardwipe against decks like 8-Cast or Elves. Just be aware that if you have a Gaddock Teeg on the field, you won’t be able to cast it.
6. BANT Maverick:
BANT Maverick saw it’s biggest rise in popularity during the Oko era as the deck could consistency T2 an Oko, something not many decks could achieve outside of Infect. Since then, it’s dropped off in popularity but is still a strong colour combination in Legacy. Here are some of the standout cards you get to play when splashing blue.
- Meddling Mage: Great vs combo decks, especially those named after a specific card (Doomsday, Show & Tell, High Tide)
- Flusterstorm: Another combo card that can have uses against other blue decks in the format
- Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath: Pretty strong vs midrange and Delver decks. Escape can be awkward at times as you want lands in your graveyard for Knight and creatures for Ooze
I recently saw a player ask why Teferi, Time Raveler wasn’t played as a 3-4 of and Mark Strassman answered it very well.
“First thing is that Teferi is 3 mana. The card is great, but mana curve is very important. You can not have a lot of success if you play a lot of 3 drops, especially in a format with a lot of Delver (you die to Daze, Bolts on mana dorks, and Wastelands). Next, the effect of Teferi is useful for us, but not as useful for many other blue decks. Sure, I would like to not allow my cards to be countered, or to cast a sorcery at instant speed, but its not critical to the game play. Its unlikely that you will have Teferi and 4 mana in a game that you aren’t winning already. It becomes win more.
Last, UW mana is hard to come by. Maverick players like playing basic lands, and Forest and Wasteland will not help you cast this card. You may find yourself fetching for a blue land, when you do not want to, or needing a blue land when you do not have one quite often.
Overall, the best thing you can do is play test the card and report back your findings. The Maverick community is large, but not so large that we have tested all avenues. Perhaps you will see something many have missed, or perhaps the community has tested and moved past the card.
Another point is that blue is not often used splash color. Black gets you a lot of side board cards and so does red. If you splash blue for just Teferi, it seems like a risk. You’ll probably want at least 1 Tundra and 1 Tropical Island, which does hurt your ability to plays basics. Teferi seems cool if you try it out at 1 or 2. I think some players like it. 3 or 4 is probably too many for the mana curve.”
I have a BANT Maverick donation deck coming up next week so be sure to find that on YouTube once it goes live!
7. Yorion Maverick:
Yorion is typically run in a BANT midrange deck or a Death & Taxes list. One of the biggest reasons you see this is due to the amount of value you gain from naturally running a large amount of permanents with enter the battlefield triggers. Maverick doesn’t run many ETB creatures (Knight of Autumn, Plague Engineer) but that didn’t stop XXFromMarsToSiriusXX taking Yorion Maverick through a league.
| 5-0 Legacy League |
Mars has built out the 60 deck with some additional ETB creatures in Skyclave Apparition, Solitude, Primeval Titan and Titania, Protector of Argoth. I could see Field of the Dead being a solid strategy in this type of 80 with Primetime, a split of basics / snow-basics and perhaps a higher land count. Oath of Nissa as a reusable ‘Ponder’ would also be a valuable inclusion if you wanted to go further route the ETB route.
Also interesting to note the Torpor Orb in the sideboard, most likely for Doomsday and Death & Taxes, which does hit a fair amount of creatures in this list. However, this is generally fine as the Orb is going to be doing much more damage to your opponent’s strategy so the lack of synergy is worth it.
It’s very cool to see someone test out Yorion Maverick (and do well with it) as it’s been a frequently asked question on the stream. They’ve even included Aven Mindcensor, so this list officially has my vote as best in this article.
7. Green-White Depths:
Green-White Depths has been putting up some really impressive results over the past 6 months. Here’s a great list from Michael Mapson (host of the Dark Depths podcast) for anyone wanting a solid list to build. Speaking of, I went on the Dark Depths podcast this week alongside Adam Wasmo discussing traditional Lands, GW & GB Depths in Legacy right now.
| 32nd Legacy Challenge |One of the greatest assets to both Maverick and Depths are the Discord servers and the subsequent player discussions. Due to the tight group of players, most GW Depths lists are very alike with only a few tweaks (if any) from pilot to pilot. I really like Michael’s choice for additional removal in the maindeck copies Prismatic Endings and 3 Path to Exile in the board. Path is fast becoming my favourite removal spell, especially since UR Delver has dropped basics / may opt for basic lands early on to play around Wasteland.
Seeds of Innocence has been popping up in sideboards in the place of Force of Vigor 2 or 3 to have a bomb against decks like 8-Cast. Court of Grace is a pretty fantastic enchantment for midrange / control matchups where the card advantage is also very welcomed.
As I mentioned earlier, the biggest advantage of Depths over Maverick include;
- Having an ‘oops I win’ button in Dark Depths
- Mox Diamond works really nicely in this list as you can regain the card disadvantage with an early Sylvan Library or Ramunap Excavator. Mox starts also allow you to play on curve, but around Daze against Delver
- Crop Rotation can just win games, especially when fetching Bojuka Bog vs. Reanimator or Oops all Spells.
Some players have been playing a Naya build where they’ve found room for blast effects in the sideboard. I played Jono Yanik’s version last night in the Legacy Prelim and really enjoyed access to Pyroblast, especially when you can hide the fact you’re even splashing red in G1. Here’s a list he recently 5-0ed with on MTGO:
| 5-0 Legacy League |Lastly, Sprouts on MTGO recently took down a Legacy Challenge with their very interesting take on GW Depths
Sprouts | 1st Place Legacy Challenge | Decklist
This 75 is much more prison-focused with 5 maindeck Sphere effects and 6 ways to pump one out on T1 (10 if you include the Crop Rotations for Ancient Tomb). Esper Sentinel is also a really cool addition and when I played this list through a few leagues, drew on average 2-3 cards. This list has also opted to move away from Sylvan Library and instead run a Life from the Loam / Exploration engine. The high artifact count also means your constructs are going to be real threats that can close out games in a few turns. I really like this type of innovation so a huge congratulations to Sprout for not only being creative, but also taking down the Challenge.
GW Depths Coverage
Here’s a league I recently played with GW Depths (find the decklist and match timestamps in the video description).
9. Green-Black Depths:
The biggest weakness of GB Depths in the past is the lack of a plan B. Unlike GW which has the Green Sun’s Zenith package and Knight of the Reliquary to rely on, GB traditionally has had a hard time winning games without Dark Depths. Urza’s Saga has completely flipped that, and given GB Depths a very strong and flexible plan B for when Dark Depths isn’t a suitable route to victory.
| 5-0 Legacy League |If you’re after some tips & tricks for Green-Black Depths, check out this tweet;
3 tricks with GB Depths:
1. Hexmage Murktide after blocking with Endurance
2. Hexmage Chalice to 0 vs Affinity
3. Take your draw & evaluate options. If Saga is best, fetch it in draw step, get the ETB counter then MP1 you get another & can instantly create a construc
#MTG— DougesOnTwitch
(@DougesOnTwitch) December 30, 2021
GB Depths Coverage
Here’s a league I recently played with GB Saga Depths (find the decklist and match timestamps in the video description).
10. Abzan Loam:
I wanted to finish with a small highlight of Matt Vook’s take on Abzan Loam in 2022. As you can see below the deck has already had some impressive results and gives players another way to run a GWx midrange deck in Legacy.
It’s really nice to see Dark Confidant still making its way into Legacy, a card many have moved away from due to the drop in power level of black cards compared to others like blue and green. The list is very clean as well with a huge amount of 4-ofs which typically leads to games where you can carry out the same gameplan each match.
4-0d the Legacy Prelim with this. Got a 5-0 and some 4-1s with this a few days ago as well. List feels solid overall. Might want 4th Waste/27th land/4th Mox and some SB cards could be moved around.
1) BRw Reanimator LWW
2) UR Saga LWW
3) Madness WW
4) Elves WW pic.twitter.com/HHhk2Pa3Wp— Matthew (@Ozymandias172) January 3, 2022
11. Conclusions:
Although it’s a rough time for many right now given the state of the format (it’s fair to say many players are put off by the current metagame), I think Maverick puts up a fight against a lot of the format. My choice right now would be Abzan Maverick if I was going to enter a tournament, but as you can see from above, there’s many strong reasons and advantages for going with nearly any version of Maverick or Depths.
I hope this provided a nice insight into where Maverick currently is, where to look when wanting to build the deck and what sort of options you have being a Maverick or Depths pilot.
If you’d like to support this type of content, there are many free and donation-based ways to keep the GreenSunsZenith alive and content pumping out.
Play fair, take care.
12. Previous Editions of Maverick Monthly:
February 2021 – Maverick Monthly
December 2020 – Maverick Monthly
October & November 2020 – Maverick Monthly
September 2020 – Maverick Monthly
August 2020 – Maverick Monthly
July 2020 – Maverick Monthly
June 2020 – Maverick Monthly
May 2020 – Maverick Monthly
April 2020 – Maverick Monthly
March 2020 – Maverick Monthly
January & February 2020 – Maverick Monthly
November & December 2019 – Maverick Monthly
October 2019 – Maverick Monthly
September 2019 – Maverick Monthly
August 2019 – Maverick Monthly
Was looking for some takes regarding this topic and I found your article quite informative. It has given me a fresh perspective on the topic tackled. Thanks!